
Bild: Karl-Heinz Hübbers
This book, published in december 2020, informs in a catalog about all Kalmia cultivars. Beyond it the book presents wide knowledge about the genus for professionals and amateurs.

photo: Latchmin Hübbers
Dr Karl-Heinz Hübbers is the most important hybridizer of Kalmia in Europe. On the photo with his hybrid 'Ideal'. More information about his work, you can get here: External Link: Homepage Dr. K.H. Hübbers new cultivars of Kalmias Dr. K.H. Hübbers new cultivars of Kalmias

photo: Julia Westhoff
August 2008: The promotion of Kalmia latifolia hybrids in Europe will be successfully continued. The German cultivars 'Midnight' and 'Moyland' were given to the External Link: Arboretum MustilaArboretum Mustila in Finland. Here they will be tested on cold hardiness. They were relocated in the North American area next to a plantation of Kalmia angustifolia.

photo: Dr Karl-Heinz Hübbers
Severe pruning stimulates basal sprouting.

photo: Julia Westhoff
Germination in an acid soil is with good results.

photo: Ernst Stöckmann Baumschulen
When succeeded in rooting the cuttings, young plants will grow sufficiently.

photo: Julia Westhoff
The scion is fixed on the under-stock. The cover with polythene keeps high humidity.

photo: Dr Karl-Heinz Hübbers
Layer with roots.

photo: Dr Karl-Heinz Hübbers
Roots of Kalmia.

photo: Dr Karl-Heinz Hübbers
Burl of Kalmia.

photo: T. Kusibab
Micropropagation of Kalmia.

photo: T. Kusibab
Micropropagation of Kalmia, rooted.

photo: Julia Westhoff
Young plants of Kalmia.

photo: Dr Karl-Heinz Hübbers
Leafspot and leafblight on the foliage of a Kalmia latifolia-Hybrid.

photo: Julia Westhoff
Japanese Dogwood (Cornus kousa) is one of the best companion plants for Kalmia.

photo: Julia Westhoff
Fern and Kalmia.

photo: Julia Westhoff
Kalmia and bellflower (Campanula).

photo: Julia Westhoff
Kalmia and boxwood (Buxus).

photo: Julia Westhoff
Kalmia in a nursery.

photo: Julia Westhoff